On the left, face of a woman smiling with her teeth, on the right, 一管牙膏涂抹牙膏|态度
April 9, 2024Should you use fluoride free toothpaste?


How to choose toothpaste that’s right for you


照顾好你的口腔健康是很重要的,选择合适的牙膏是你日常刷牙程序的关键组成部分. With so many formulas available, 难怪人们会怀疑自己是否应该使用 fluoride toothpaste or a fluoride free toothpaste. In this article, 我们将探讨这两种选择的利弊,以帮助您做出明智的决定. 

What is fluoride? Why is it used in dental care? 


氟化物是一种天然存在于水、空气、土壤和某些食物中的矿物质. It has numerous uses, including fluoridating drinking water, preserving wood, manufacturing glass and cleaning products and, of course, dental hygiene. 


研究已经证明氟化物能够预防和对抗蛀牙,[1] which is why dentists encourage its use.


Fluoride’s many advantages include: 


  • Strengthening tooth enamel. 氟化物有助于牙釉质再矿化过程(牙釉质是牙齿的保护层). 坚固的牙釉质更能抵抗酸性侵蚀和磨损. 
  • Fighting dental plaque. 氟化物可以抑制导致牙菌斑的细菌的生长, thereby reducing the risk of cavities.
  • Remineralization. Fluoride penetrates tooth enamel and regenerates weak areas; This helps to slow enamel deterioration and repair areas that have started to weaken, putting a stop to cavity progression.


含氟牙膏确实对牙齿健康有积极的影响. 然而,由于各种原因,有些人更喜欢使用 fluoride free toothpastes. 


Fluoride toothpaste or fluoride free toothpaste: Key points 




现在应该很明显了:两者的主要区别 fluoride toothpaste and fluoride free toothpaste is… the presence (or lack thereof) of fluoride. Fluoride toothpaste’s 其有效性取决于已证实的天然氟化物成分预防蛀牙和强化牙釉质的能力. Fluoride free toothpastes 取而代之的是其他成分,比如小苏打和绿茶提取物,它们具有清洁作用, whitening and refreshing properties. 



Fluoride toothpaste  


  • Effectiveness in preventing cavities. 大量的科学研究证实了氟化物在预防和对抗蛀牙方面的有效性.
  • Enamel remineralization. 氟化物有助于修复已经脱矿的牙釉质区域.
  • 加拿大牙科协会(CDA)和世界卫生组织(卫生组织)建议. CDA建议在预防性护理和日常护理产品中谨慎使用氟化物,以防止蛀牙.



  • Slight risk of dental fluorosis. 据加拿大卫生部称,氟斑牙症表现为成人牙釉质上出现白斑. 当儿童早期在牙龈下长出恒牙时摄入了大量的氟化物时,就会发生这种情况. 对于三岁以下的儿童,可以按照推荐的牙膏剂量说明和咨询牙医的建议来避免氟斑牙.


Fluoride free toothpaste 


  • Appropriate for people who are fluoride-sensitive. 有些人在使用时可能会有轻微的牙龈刺激 fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride-free toothpaste may be a good alternative.
  • Personal preference. 有些人可能只是喜欢在口腔护理中避免使用氟化物.


  • Less effective protection against cavities. Although some ingredients in fluoride free toothpaste 可能含有清洁特性,这些不提供相同水平的保护,防止蛀牙 fluoride toothpastes.
  • Inability to repair enamel. Fluoride-free toothpastes can’t remineralize dental enamel.


“How do I choose the right toothpaste?” 


A toothbrush with a bit of toothpaste on it


选择合适的牙膏应该基于你的需要和你的口腔健康. Before deciding, consider the following factors: 


  • Cavity risk. Do you have a few fillings? 如果是这样的话,最好选择a fluoride toothpaste that offers optimal cavity protection.
  • Sensitivity. 你的牙齿对热、冷、糖、酸或氟化物敏感吗? Perhaps consider a fluoride-free toothpaste that contains potassium nitrate. 这种天然成分有助于减少牙齿敏感,保护牙齿神经,提供长期的过敏缓解.
  • Whitening. 如果拥有灿烂的笑容是最重要的,那就考虑牙膏中含有 hydroxyapatite. 它是一种矿物质成分,有助于去除牙菌斑,使牙齿焕发光彩.
  • Age. The CDA recommends using fluoride toothpaste 对于三岁及以下的孩子,如果他们有患蛀牙的风险.[2]对于那些不属于这一类的幼儿,以及那些尚未发育出正确吐痰能力的儿童, it’s best to use a children's fluoride free toothpaste to avoid dental fluorosis.
  • Taste. 你可以根据自己的口味随意选择牙膏. 薄荷、绿薄荷、水果口味:有很多选择适合每个人! This fluoride free toothpaste 根据环境工作组(EWG)的说法,用清洁成分制成的食物是立即清新口气的赢家.

In conclusion, fluoride toothpaste 牙医所青睐的解决方案是防止蛀牙的最佳方法吗. However, fluoride free toothpaste 对氟化物敏感的人或不想使用氟化物的人可以选择吗. If you are still sitting on the fence, 请根据你牙齿的具体需要,向你的牙医咨询,以获得个人化的建议,并参阅以下载有额外资料的文章: 


一旦你决定了最适合你需要的牙膏, 我们觉得有责任提醒您:别忘了用牙线! ;) 




[1] http://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/healthy-living/your-health/environment/fluorides-human-health.html 


[2] http://www.cda-adc.ca/en/about/position_statements/fluoride/ 


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Written by Team ATTITUDE