将防晒霜融入日常护肤的终极指南| 的态度


由于紫外线在春季和夏季达到最大强度, 调整你的护肤程序变得越来越重要. By adopting good sunscreen habits, you reduce the risks of 皮肤癌 and premature aging, while keeping your skin healthy and looking younger! 


Why Is Sunscreen Essential? 


While our beloved sun has the power to bring joy into a day, its UVA and UVB rays are harmful to your skin. 的y are the primary cause of 皮肤老化 and increase the risk of 皮肤癌. 根据加拿大癌症协会的数据,65%的黑色素瘤病例是由紫外线引起的[1].

To prevent this, 在日常生活中进行有效的防晒是非常必要的, 一年四季. Even though the sun may seem less present in autumn and winter, its rays remain dangerous for the skin. 适当的防护将大大减少与紫外线有关的风险. 事实上, 每天使用防晒霜的人比那些只间歇性使用防晒霜的人皮肤衰老的几率降低24% [2].


A Sunscreen for Every Skin Type 


为了正确地保护你的皮肤,选择适合你皮肤类型的防晒霜是很重要的. 要确定你的皮肤是正常、干性、油性、混合性还是敏感性,只需 examine it and pay attention to its reactions. Here are 5 sunscreen recommendations adapted to your skin type!



Your sunscreen: All types of sunscreens are suitable for you! 的 mineral sunscreens 来自Sunly™系列是完美的正常皮肤,也非常实用和环保的感谢他们的可回收纸板管. 



干燥的皮肤: Tight pores and almost invisible, feeling of tightness, 粗糙的皮肤, lack of suppleness, visible fine lines, more vulnerable to the harmful effects of UV rays. 


Your sunscreen: To prevent dryness, 选择含有植物糖原或胶原蛋白等保湿剂的防晒霜. 富含珍贵的海藻提取物和植物糖原,植物太阳 SPF 30 Tinted Cream provides a unified and radiant finish, without any white residue. Ideal for use throughout the year, regardless of the season.


油性皮肤:毛孔粗大且有杂质(黑头和粉刺), dull and unclear complexion, lack of radiance, 闪亮的, 厚, and grainy skin. 


Your sunscreen: A lightweight sunscreen will be your best ally. 你也可以选择有色防晒霜来掩盖轻微的瑕疵,使肤色均匀. 配方与葡萄籽油和丰富的植物糖原,植物太阳 SPF 30 有色油 gives an instant glow to the skin. Its light texture is very pleasant during the summer!


Combination skin: 毛孔扩张,可能有杂质(黑头和粉刺), more or less rough and 闪亮的 skin, feeling of oiliness on the T-zone. 


Your sunscreen: Just like oily skin, 混合性皮肤更喜欢浅色的配方,给皮肤留下舒适的感觉. Easy to carry, a tinted sunscreen stick would integrate well into your summer beauty routine. 


敏感肌肤: 扩张毛孔, dry and red skin, burning sensation, itching or tingling, reacts to changes in temperature, 压力, 或香水. 


Your sunscreen: 选择一个简单的配方,与非纳米氧化锌,燕麦提取物,重要的是,无味. 也有专门为敏感皮肤设计的防晒霜,比如我们的 mineral sunscreen from the range Oatmeal sensitive natural. 


Don't forget about your lips!

我们经常忘记它们,但嘴唇也应该有自己的防晒措施. Offering a non-sticky finish, Phyto-Sun SPF 30 tinted lip balms 在嘴唇上涂上鲜艳的颜色,同时保护嘴唇不被阳光晒伤!

How to Integrate Sunscreen into My Daily Routine? 


不要忘记涂抹防晒霜的最好方法是将其纳入早晨的护肤程序. 即使在阴天,也要经常涂抹防晒霜,因为紫外线仍然存在. By combining your daily skincare products with adequate SPF, you'll keep your skin healthy and moisturized at all times! 


根据你的皮肤类型和生活方式,建议你做一些常规的选择. On a clean face, apply your 海洋 Phyto-Glow, Phyto-Age, or Phyto-Calm routine, consisting of a serum, a face cream, and an eye cream. 然后, 涂抹适合你皮肤类型和当天活动的防晒霜, reapplying every two hours. 


Do you have a special occasion? 无论是在露台上吃早午餐,还是在公园里野餐,或者只是另一天:植物太阳 SPF 30 Tinted Shimmer Cream 会给你一个容光焕发的肤色,同时保护你免受有害的太阳射线. 这款面霜由矿物质闪闪发光制成,将使你的日常工作更容易、更有效! 




含有维生素C的护肤品在暴露在阳光下时并不会对皮肤过敏. That's a misconception! 此外, in the Phyto-Glow products, we use encapsulated vitamin C, which reduces the risk of skin sensitization or reaction. 无论你使用哪种护肤品,重要的是要经常涂抹防晒霜. 

Phyto-Sun: An Innovative Hybrid Sunscreen 


To meet a growing need, 的态度™将矿物防晒霜的概念更进一步,提供一系列具有SPF值的彩色面霜: Phyto-Sun. Including 8 products with SPF 30, the range is plastic-free, EWG®验证, 素食主义者, and enriched with 2% 素食主义者 collagen substitute, for hydrated and firmer skin.

Thanks to its universal shade, Phyto-Sun产品适合所有肤色,是轻覆盖化妆品的理想选择. 毫无疑问,这个新系列将使你的日常护肤更容易,更有效! 


Common Myths 关于 防晒 


尽管消费者教育越来越多,但围绕防晒的迷思仍然存在. 为了正确地保护你的皮肤,知道正确使用防晒霜的方法是很重要的. Here are some of the most common myths and realities in society. 


I can't get sunburned if the sky is cloudy


错误:云不能完全阻挡导致晒伤的中波紫外线. 此外,它们几乎没有覆盖导致早衰的UVA射线. 


I can still tan even if I've applied my SPF


正确——spf30的防晒霜能阻挡97%的光线,只剩下3%的光线能到达皮肤. 所以,是的,从技术上讲,即使有防晒霜保护,也有可能晒黑. 请记住,100%阻挡射线的防晒霜是不存在的!


Dark or black skin need sun protection


错误:紫外线对所有种族和肤色都有害. 它们在浅色皮肤和深色或黑色皮肤上到达表皮的方式是一样的.


An SPF 30 sunscreen isn't really effective


错误:spf30的防晒霜能阻挡97%的UVB射线,而spf50的防晒霜能阻挡98%. 的 higher SPF is more effective, 但1%的差异并不足以说明spf30无效.



1 -无论你使用的SPF值是多少,每两小时补涂一次防晒霜.

2 -使用广谱防晒霜来保护皮肤免受中波紫外线和中波紫外线的伤害.

3 - 的 best sun protection you can adopt is physical protection. That means it's preferable to stay in the shade, 戴帽子, 太阳镜, and long clothing to protect yourself from the sun's rays.

现在你知道所有的秘密,健康和充分的护肤程序,通过整合防晒到你的日常生活. Choosing a sunscreen that is suitable for your skin type and lifestyle will greatly reduce the risks of 皮肤癌 and premature aging. For sublime or slightly glittery skin, opt for a Phyto-Sun™ tinted cream or oil, your best ally for the summer! 




[1] http://cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/reduce-your-risk/be-sun-safe/enjoy-the-sun-safely 


[2] http://www.acpjournals.org/journal/aim

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